Pixelated Crumb

Pixelated Crumb has Moved!

I’m very happy to announce that Pixelated Crumb has moved! You can now find me at http://pixelatedcrumb.com. It’s still the blog you know and love, but with an easier web address and a few improvements that I’ll be adding, such as a ‘print recipe’ feature and a recipe index.

Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie from Cook's Illustrated

I wanted to let all of you know that since I have now migrated to my own self-hosted site, I have had to switch my email subscription provider from wordpress to feedburner. If you already subscribe to Pixelated Crumb by e-mail, you have already been automatically migrated to the feedburner email subscription platform. All you have to do is accept the email verification that should be in your inbox, and you will continue to receive email updates from Pixelated Crumb. If you don’t see the e-mail, check your spam box or subscribe manually by clicking here: http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=pixelatedcrumb.

If you follow Pixelated Crumb using RSS, don’t forget to update your RSS feed link: http://feeds.feedburner.com/pixelatedcrumb

I’m sorry about the inconvenience, but I hope you enjoy the new site! Stay tuned for Lemon Crinkle Cookies and Adobo Baby Back Ribs on the new site!

Feel free to use the contact form or leave a comment below to let me know if there’s anything you’re dying to see. Thank you for reading Pixelated Crumb!
